SOX Filing Status - Accelerated Filer or not? 3006

  • Here’s a high-level summary of the thresholds for entering and exiting accelerated filer status (and note the thresholds for entering and exiting a filing status are not the same):
    A non-accelerated filer becomes an accelerated filer if its worldwide public float is at least USD75 million, and an accelerated filer becomes a large accelerated filer if its worldwide public float is at least USD700 million.
    A large accelerated filer exits large accelerated filer status and becomes an accelerated filer if its worldwide public float is less than USD500 million, and an accelerated filer becomes a non-accelerated filer if its worldwide public float is less than USD50 million.
    All thresholds are based on a registrant’s public float on the last business day of its most recently completed second fiscal quarter.
    There are other requirements in addition to public float to consider. The complete criteria for determining filer status are outlined in Rule 12b-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

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