Control Weakness 865

  • Need some guidance…
    Cases where authority is not commensurate with the responsibility, does this mean lack of control weakness.

  • I’d say it’s more an organisational weakness than a control weakness.

  • Doesnt organisational weakness translate into a control weakness, at the entity level???

  • A control is something you do to make sure that something has been done, is being done, etc
    A control weakness is then lack of such control or errors inside it.
    Your example is more how you organize your company. You can have tonns of controls to make sure that this example is not a weakness.
    If you have no other controls, you probably have a weakness.
    PS: I hope I’ve read your question correct, because the sentence is confusing me.

  • Is the authority translated into unauthorized actions? should this lead to someone authorizing transactions or operation with no assigned responsiblity at the top?
    Then we are facing a weakness at the entity controls levels…

  • Thats a good point Angie

  • Is the authority translated into unauthorized actions?
    Nice job - never thought of translating it that way

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