IT General Controls : Change Management List 1406

  • Under Change Management List for General Controls related to Infrastructure I am listing following areas :
    a) Database
    b) Operating System
    c) Network
    d) Telecom
    e) Facilities Management
    f) Physical Security
    g) Incidence Response Handling/Escalation Procedures
    h)Data Center Operations (Job scheduler , Backup/Restore)
    Any Changes in Production environment for above should be provided on the Change Management Lists.
    e.g. OS Upgrade/Patch (IBM PTFs); ACL Change on Router, Firewall Policy Change , Upgrades to Utilities/Testing Tools such as Test Director or Change Management Software(ALDON) , Job Scheduler Changes etc.
    Am I missing any areas?

  • Hi - The list shared is most likely complete for the Infrastructure support team within your organization. You might obtain an up-to-date organization chart to see if there are missing items. Below are a few ideas that may or may not apply:

    1. Application System support - For example, many of the areas you listed play a role in the Change management when new systems or changes to applications occur. As you might have an indirect role here, another area may also be documenting this
    2. Information Security (aka Data Security) - Change management is required for patch management, AV product updates, etc.
    3. Customer Support Center (aka Help Desk) - in case that’s needed
    4. Budget/Purchasing/Licensing

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